Wednesday, January 13, 2016

CKHBA Welcomes New BOD & Introduces the "Renovation for Evelynn"

Chatham­-Kent Home Builders Association welcomed a new 2016/17 Board of Directors Tuesday Jan. 12 2016. Led by President ​and long time member Scott Vandersluis of Bouma Builders the 2016/17 Board of Directors also welcomes Vice President​ Dave Depencier of Depencier Builders, 2nd Vice President ​Jon Rumble of Rumble Homes, Treasurer​ Ed DeJonge of Ed DeJonge Construction, Secretary ​Gina Mancini of Union Gas, Directors ​Dave Ewald of Ewald Homes, Jeff Medeiros of Winmar, James McKeller of Oldershaw Builder Supply, Mike Dziedzic of Eco Insulation & Executive Officer Kevin Owen of Owen Flooring.

The 2016/17 Chatham­-Kent Home Builders Association's Board of Directors a​lso ​introduced an
event they call the “Renovation for Evelynn” a​nd ​passed a motion yesterday to “to investigate a cost

and capacity of the association to do the Renovation for Evelynn” More information is expected to be released about the Chatham­-Kent Builders Association and the“Renovation for Evelynn” as they move forward with the plans and procedure. Board Member Dave Ewald of Ewald Homes States “One of the biggest concerns I have with my kids is how I am going to get them to baseball and I can’t even begin to imagine what Evelynn’s parents must be going through” as he discusses the project with CKHBA. Executive Officer Kevin Owen of Owen Flooring says “I am thrilled to see such support from this amazing group of guys, I have always been a proud member of CKHBA, however today I am beyond words”

Evelynn Nichols was happy and healthy nine year old girl, her new life journey started the morning of September 5, 2015 when she was found unconscious in her room. She was rushed to hospitaland flown to Toronto Sick Kids Hospital where she was diagnosed with a rare congenital defect. Evelynn suffered from a Arteriovenous Fistula which caused a brain bleed resulting in extensive damage to her brain, she had a stroke at 9 years old.

Evelynn was in a coma and on life supports for several weeks. The team of doctors reviewing her case gave
her a 5% chance of survival and felt that her quality of life would be so poor that they were not sure they
should continue treatment. The very best scenario had her with total paralysis on her left side, they were
unsure if she would even breath unsupported. She could not regulate her blood pressure and body
temperature so she spent several weeks packed in ice. They were unsure if she would be able to learn how
to talk again.

Thanks to one neurosurgeon who said he would do everything he could to save this child, Evelynn was
given a chance.

Evelynn has progressed further than they ever expected her too. She is getting better at controlled
movement on her right side and increasingly there is movement on the left side. Evelynn successfully ate a
small amount of food for the first time after 3 months and will be trying soft solid food such as scrambled
eggs next week. On Christmas morning Evelynn spoke for the first time since Sept. 5 2015 when she said
Momma, her speech is improving and if you listen patiently, she is able to communicate verbally. Her
wonderful personality, wit, and love of play is starting to shine through. Evelynn has retained all her past
memories, experiences, and ability to learn. She truly is a miracle.

Evelynn will be working on her abilities for several more months at Holland Bloorview Children's
Rehabilitation Hospital in Toronto. We don't know how far Evelynn will progress with her abilities, but we do
know that she will be coming home eventually.

Evelynn is expected to be relieved from Holland Bloorview in March, however this depends on her progression. Evelynn's family was told that the best possible scenario was for her to be paralysed and haveno use of her left side. She is now moving her leg purposeful and she can squeeze your hand. Until only a couple weeks ago she only learned to nod her head to say yes. Now she can say the words, they come
slowly, but they are there. She has several years or a lifetime of challenges ahead.

Evelynn lives at 16 Meadowlea in Chatham, this is a smaller three bedroom home that was built in the 70's..
When Evelynn returns home her wheelchair will not fit down the hallway, in the bathroom and there is no
wheelchair ramp for her to gain access to the house, CKHBA hopes to change this.

About The Chatham­Kent Home Builders Association­ ​The CKHBA is a not for profit organization that
was chartered in Chatham over 50 years ago and is affiliated with OHBA & CHBA. Membership is
comprised mostly of local businesses related to the new home construction industry. CKHBA is very
involved in supporting the community and has contributed in excess of over $400,000.00 to support local

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